
Thursday, February 28, 2013

:: Article Review : Web Plagiarism: Empirical Study ::

Article Review: Web Plagiarism: Empirical Study
Alexander E. Voiskounsky
Lomonosov Moscow State University

The article review entitled “ Web Plagiarism: Empirical Study “ was published in 2009 by Alexander E. Voiskounsky as the author. The study was done to 292 science undergraduates from four technical universities in Moscow Russia. Alexander E. Voiskounsky mention that web plagiarism as an academic cheating because students took the materials or information from the internet and they declare it as their own sources. They know plagiarism is against their cultural or moral values but they tent to do it because the others are doing it too. This closely refers to behavioral (John B Watson, Pavlov and Freud) and social cognitive theories (Albert Bandura).

Web plagiarisms are becoming a practice lately. The findings show that first year students more prone to get involve in plagiarism compared to their seniors. Undoubtedly some of them avoid plagiarism because of their principle and moral obligations. Plagiarism amongst the undergraduates occurs mostly in their assignments. According to gender, males are more proficient in English language compared to females. Thus, they tend to do plagiarism in both languages. Plagiarism happen due to a few factor such as they think that their assignment are difficult and most of them try avoiding failure. Students that perform plagiarism believes that their lecturer won’t notice it and most of them are not very sure whether they will be caught plagiarize or not. They did it because others are doing it and they get through it.

The main point from this article is about plagiarism among Russian Undergraduate science student. Result from the surveys shows that, they are not heavy plagiarizers. Some of the students avoid plagiarisms because it against the moral values. Some juniors plagiarizes due to a few factors, part of them follow their friends while others because the don’t want to fail their subjects. According to the writer’s, theoretically because they were influence by their behaviors, environment and cognition (Social Cognitive Theory by Albert Bandura). Secondly, according

Bandura’s Social Cognitive Model

To John B. Watson and Pavlov, behavior can be learning through their experience with the environment and observation. The next point is, students have to go to limited option of classes and most of them are compulsory and they are tied to assignments. Students usually plagiarize in order to submit their written assignments. The writer’s conclude that that from the study, undergraduate science students in Russian university web-plagiarize a few time a year during their junior year. Cases of plagiarism reduce during their senior years as they become more proficient with the languages and aware of plagiarism.

In conclusion, this article is understandable and plagiarism somehow have to be avoided no matter how pressure the students feel. It is against the moral of any religions and even the writer’s did not biased with the writing, students that do plagiarism should feel guilty about what they did. Overall this is a great article and can be a good reference.


image googled from

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Discussion on Social Software - E-Learning beyond learning management system ::

MEd Instructional Technology

Article : Social Software - E-Learning Beyond Learning Management System

This article main idea is to make e-learning beyond learning management system in order to engaged student to utilize the web as their leading resources  for their self-governed, problem based and collaborative activities. The primary approach is the using of social constructivist theory to support the social software for e-learning. Vygotsky's Constructivist Theory, also known as social constructivist argue that students with the help of adults are more advanced, master the concepts and ideas that they cannot understand on their own.

To begin with, social constructivist by Vygotsky will lead students become engaged with the activities in the classroom. It's a student oriented where student explore and discover either individually or in groups with the guidance of their teacher or adults. Referring to this article, Learning Management System is one approach of e- learning. The main issue is that social software tools are not designed for educational purposes, but it can be use to support learning. Social software help student to facilitate self-governed, problem based and collaborative activities using the social network and tools. These varieties give opputunities for student to become more indepentdent anhance their creativity.

In brief, social software in e- learning for example Learning Management System support student actively to the web resources to facilitate their self-govern, problem based and collaborative activities  which explained the social constructivist theory by Vygotsky.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

:: Lecture 1 - Introduction ::



    DATE                  14th February 2013 (Thursday)
    TIME                   9.00 am - 12.00 am (18 B INSTEAD)

  • Introduction of course outline
  • Brief introductory of educational theories
    • Behaviorist 
      • Introduced by Ivan Pavlov -> Thorndike & Skinner
      • First, learning is manifested by a change in behavior. 
      • Second, the environment shapes behavior. 
      • Third, the principles of contiguity (how close in time two events must be for a bond to be formed) and reinforcement (any means of increasing the likelihood that an event will be repeated) are central to explaining the learning process. 
    • Constructivist
      • Built on the work of Jean Piaget and Jerome Bruner
      • emphasizes the importance of active involvement of learners in constructing knowledge for themselves
      • self understanding - combine facts + ideas to form creative thinking
      • 3 types or learning :
        1. direct learning - lectures + exercises
        2. cooperative learning - group and discussion
        3. mastery - student oriented
    • Cognitif
      • Piaget - Children construct an understanding of the world around them, then experience discrepancies between what they already know and what they discover in their environment.
    • social (Bandura - social + cognitif +behavioral = majar parts )
    • humanist
      •  Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers
      • Growth and development - the intellect, feeling life, social capacities, artistic and practical skills are all importance focuses 
  • 4 rang of consciousness 
    1. Aql (mind)
    2. Ruh (spirit)
    3. Qalb (spiritual mind)
    4. Nafs 
      • Principles stages of Naf
        • ammara
        • lawwama
        • mutmainnah
        • mulmaha
        • radiyya - pleased with whatever comes from Allah and doesn’t live in the past or future, but in the moment
        • mardiyya - soft and tolerant with people and has good Akhlaq
        • safiyya
      • 7 characteristics of Nafs
        • Pride (Takabbur)
        • Greed (Hirs)
        • Envy (Hasad)
        • Lust (Shahwah)
        • Backbiting (Gheebah)
        • Stinginess (Bokhl)
        • Malice (Keena)
  • Thesis Writing
    • Introduction
    • Objective
    • Research Questionnaires
    • Problem statement
    • Conceptual framework - combination of theories

** Reminder
  • create a website
  • download dropbox
  • surah